
Credit cards can rise if you meet these 6 terms

Already have a credit card but can not buy the desired item. Why can it? Yes, because the limit of credit cards is just a pasan or not enough.

The credit card Limit is sometimes like to make kesel especially if the difference is slight. Actually can aja ' impose ' fixed transaction with credit card above its limitation or over limit.

1. Income
To raise the limit of the first credit card will be seen from the bank is revenue. Banks will usually provide a credit card limit of three times of monthly income.

2. Domicile
How does domicile affect credit card limit? Yes, if you live somewhere in the long term chances of getting a credit card limit will also be greater.

Why? Because banks do not want to take risks if there is arrears payment and confused look for it.

The same difference that customers often move-the domicile may be the credit card limit is slightly smaller.

3. Amount of credit requested by the customer
To increase the credit card limit, the bank will also assess the number of requests to increase the limit that the customer wants.

Banks will generally gauge whether the petition is viable or not and name also the extent to which the credit card limit will burden the customer's monthly finances or otherwise.

4. Total Debt
Not only revenue only, to raise the bank credit card limit will also see your total debt. If you do not owe a debt, the possible limit will be greater.

But if you have a debt, your bank will usually also consider raising your credit card limit. 

5. Number of credit card making submissions
You should know that applying for a credit card can also affect the size of your credit card limit.

That is, the more the application of making credit cards, the more likely the limitation is smaller.

But keep in mind, if the central Bank has limited ownership of the credit card based on his income.

6. Home Ownership Status
When you fill out the credit card submission application. There must be a question, ' current home ownership status '.

Because the status of house ownership is important for banks. Bank certainly prioritizes homeowners ' customers than still renting or passenger.

Well, that's the six conditions that the bank considers to raise your credit card limit.

But do not be discouraged if the bank does not accept the increase in your limitations. The reason is that the central Bank reminds the credit card holder to understand the credit card limit that must be adjusted to the needs and ability to soften it.

And it's important to remember, if the credit card is only a transaction tool is not your supplement. So you need to wisely use it too. Don't get you into debt.